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Look 2 Learning


A New Focus for Classroom Walkthrough

Look 2 Learning is a research-based tool that allows schools to improve student achievement, generate data on learning, focus school improvement efforts, and begin discussions about improving classroom practices. The non-evaluative design of Look 2 Learning (L2L) makes it the ideal tool for peer coaches and team leaders, as well as school administrators. Training focuses on reflective group analysis of curriculum alignment, levels of thinking, qualities of student work, learner engagement and the instructional cycle. L2L can also be customized to monitor school and district initiatives.

Click here for more information about Look 2 Learning.


Our Most Requested Services

Look 2 Learning

A New Focus for Classroom Walkthrough

PLC 4 Real

Moving Professional Learning Communities from Collaboration through Reflection to Action

Snapshot of Learning

Capturing Baseline Data

Keynote Speeches

Everyone Hears the Message

Workshops and Training

A New Focus for Classroom Walkthrough

Customized Services

Meeting Your Unique Needs