Moving Professional Learning Communities from Collaboration through Reflection to Action.
While many schools are implementing some form of collaborative teaching model, these efforts often don’t move beyond social gatherings and obligatory discussions. Now, discover a PLC framework that will make your team more effective and efficient while encouraging genuine collaboration and professional growth.
PLC 4 Real helps educators develop an unrelenting focus on learning in their schools—the learning of students and adults. To accomplish this, participants complete meaningful work in four areas:
- Reflection: Inside-Out, Outside-In
- Experimentation: Inquiry and Action
- Analysis: Multiple Data Sources
- Lesson Design: Teaching and Re-Teaching
PLC 4 Real is appropriate whether you are just beginning your work in professional learning communities or wish to move your PLC to the next level. Move beyond collaboration for its own sake to genuine, authentic shared learning.
Our Most Requested Services
Look 2 Learning
A New Focus for Classroom Walkthrough
PLC 4 Real
Moving Professional Learning Communities from Collaboration through Reflection to Action
Snapshot of Learning
Capturing Baseline Data
Keynote Speeches
Everyone Hears the Message
Workshops and Training
A New Focus for Classroom Walkthrough
Customized Services
Meeting Your Unique Needs