Capturing Baseline Data
Using the research-based SMART Walks observation protocol, a consultant visits every classroom in your school and district to collect data on learning. The consultant analyzes the data on site and prepares a real-time portrait of student learning. Upon request, we can prepare a presentation for your faculty and staff, school board, or administrative team. The Snapshot of Learning can serve as a guide for reflective conversations, professional development, and school improvement plans. This service can also be used to collect baseline data prior to a school or district embarking on the Look 2 Learning process.
Our Most Requested Services
Look 2 Learning
A New Focus for Classroom Walkthrough
PLC 4 Real
Moving Professional Learning Communities from Collaboration through Reflection to Action
Snapshot of Learning
Capturing Baseline Data
Keynote Speeches
Everyone Hears the Message
Workshops and Training
A New Focus for Classroom Walkthrough
Customized Services
Meeting Your Unique Needs